Laugh Often, Dream Big, Reach for the Stars
Typical Preschool Day
7:00-8:00 am - Arrival time and learning through play. During this time the children have an opportunity to explore the various materials available for that days learning.
8:00 am - Circle time. During this time the preschoolers will participate in a variety of educational group games.
8:30 am - Breakfast is served.
9:00 am - Indoor/outdoor activities. Outdoor play weather permitting (sledding, swing, slide, sand box, imagination play, sensory activity, community project, frisbee, soccer, obstacle course, hula hoops, scooters, Cozy Coupes, etc.)
11:30 am - Lunch is served. Age appropriate foods are served.
12:00 pm - Afternoon nap time. Children put away their nap materials after nap time is over.
2:30 pm - Preschool/learning activities (literacy, math, art, music & movement, large & fine motor activity, science, introduction to world cultures, Spanish, American Sign Language, etc).
4:00 pm - Snack & learning through play indoor or outdoor weather permitting
4:30-5:30 pm - Departure