Laugh Often, Dream Big, Reach for the Stars
What we offer
An Infant/Toddler program that incorporates American Sign Language, Spanish and intentional learning opportunities.
A Preschool program with a balance of Early Childhood Indicators of Progress, Mother Goose Time, Assessments, American Sign Language and Spanish.
Child-directed and adult-directed activities, your child has freedom within limits to explore and learn.
Two full time licensed adult caregivers.
Healthy Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks offered.
Nutritional experiences/activities offered.
We offer a family structure where older children enjoy being mentors and role models; younger children feel supported and gain confidence about the challenges ahead.
We model respect, loving kindness, and peaceful conflict resolution.
Natural lighting, soft colors, and uncluttered spaces offer opportunities to play alone or in a small group that is focused and calm.
Daily opportunities to learn practical life skills.
Preschool learning materials are displayed and accessible, allowing independence as your child goes about their play; everything is where it is supposed to be, conveying a sense of harmony and order that both comforts and inspires.
Large muscle and small muscle activities throughout the day.
Intentional moderate to vigorous physical activity outdoors.
Fenced in backyard with a Rainbow Play System.
Structured and unstructured activities within safe boundaries.
Daily communication reports, including meals, curriculum, activities, along with occasional video and pictures sent via Tadpoles Parent App. Monthly age specific newsletter. Monthly activity calendar and annual conferences offered.